44. CNP Asfalistiki Cyprus Rally 2015

ERC #8MERC #5ERC2 #8ERC3 #8MERC Junior #5ERC Ladies #8Cyprus #4 [coef 2]Northern Cyprus #7 [coef 1.5]
25. 9. – 27. 9. 2015, Nicosia • Cyprus Automobile Association • asphalt - gravel 204.50 km • Other years


flag Demosthenous Christos
- Laos P.
"Very good stage, it is is okay this car. Flat out..." - "Výborná zkouška, auto je v pohodě. Jel jsem, co to šlo..."
flag Consani Robert
- Vanneste Lara
"This stage is very difficult, sometimes very fast, sometimes very tricky with a lot of bump and big stone. I try to be fast on the fast part. I think my speed is good. I think is not a problem with the set-up, I think the problem is with the engine and the power, I do not have a lot of power when the temperature is high and the chassis does not work without the power." - "Tato zkouška byla hodně těžká, místy hodně rychlá, místy dost zrádná s hodně hrboly a velkými kameny. V rychlé části jsem se snažil jet rychle. Myslím, že rychlost máme dobrou. Nemyslím, že by byl problém v na
flag Tarabus Jaromír
- Trunkát D.
"Going very well. This stage was okay. Now we hit something, maybe 1 kilometre before finish, I think may be we have a puncture." - "Jde to velmi dobře. Zkouška byla v pohodě. Něco jsme teď trefil, nějaký jeden kilometr před cílem. Myslím si, že možná máme defekt."
flag Kajetanowicz Kajetan
- Baran J.
"We have a good feeling. There is a lot of straights, we have a maximum speed for one minute. We are really happy to be here with this rhythm." - "Máme z toho dobrý pocit. Je tu hodně rovinek, máme napočítanou minutu jízdy maximální rychlostí. Jsme opravdu spokojení, že se nám tady daří jet v takovém rytmu."
flag Magalhães Bruno
- Magalhães H.
"A lot of dust, very difficult stages. We try to improve the traction for to day but the rear is too soft. I try to make the next stage and change in the service park. I found when I put the heater on, the dust comes into the car, it was because of that." - Magalhaes put the heater on to try to lower the engine temperature and this was causing the dust to come into the cockpit. - Aby snížil teplotu motoru, má Magalhaes puštěné topení, což způsobovalo průnik prachu do kokpitu. "Hodně prachu, obtížná zkouška. Snažili jsme se dnes vylepšit trakci, ale zadek je moc měkký. Zkusím pro
flag Lukyanuk Alexey
- Arnautov Alexey
"We are building our speed step by step. Yesterday we have no good practice, we had no good feeling with the car, so now we are building it again. On the previous 2 stages there was a lot of cuts. We will try to do our best. We have again some problems with the car, the rear roll bar." - "Krok za krokem získáváme rychlost. Včera to nebylo povedené, neměl jsem dobrý pocit z auta, takže teď jej získáváme zpět. Na předchozích dvou testech se hodně katovalo. Snažíme se jet jak nejlíp umíme. Máme problémy s autem, zadní stabilizátor."
flag Jeets Raul
- Toom Andrus
"I'm driving a rear wheel drive car!" - "Jedu jen se zadním náhonem."
flag Tarabus Jaromír
- Trunkát D.
"We have a few mistakes and now we have one really big moment, we are happy we are here. One right corner we were a little wide and okay, stay on the road." - Udělali jsme pár chyb a teď jsme měli jednu opravdu velkou krizovku, jsme rádi, že jsme vůbec tady. V jedné pravé jsme byli lehce širší a zůstali na cestě."
flag Magalhães Bruno
- Magalhães H.
"Today is completely impossible to drive this car... Breathing, concentration, everything. It is impossible to drive inside this car. They do not know exactly the place (where the dust is coming in). Stage is okay." - Magalhaes is having real problems with dust coming into the cockpit of the car. - Má velké problémy s prachem uvnitř vozu. "Dnes je naprosto nemožné toto auto řídit. Dýchání, koncentrace, všechno. Je nemožné uvnitř auta řídit. Neví, kama se prach dovnitř dostává. Zkouška byla v pohodě."
flag Consani Robert
- Vanneste Lara
"This stage is more technical than the first. The first is very large and if you make a mistake it is okay. I try to push but it is not easy, it is very slippery." - "Tato zkouška byla techničtější než ta první. První byla hodně široká a když jste udělali chybu, tak to bylo v pohodě. Snažím se na to šlapat, ale není to snadné, hodně to klouže."
flag Kajetanowicz Kajetan
- Baran J.
Small damage on rear bumper - "Road is too narrow, and sometimes you have to be out. It is nice time. I am okay." - Lehce poškozený zadní nárazník. "Cesty jsou moc úzké a někdy musíte být mimo. Čas je pěkný. Jsem v pohodě."
flag Lukyanuk Alexey
- Arnautov Alexey
"The feeling is good, but we have again problems with the car, the rear roll bar, one link is missing; finally we get used to it, so we go on. It was on the previous stage and now we are without roll bar. I am losing time on the braking and I am not so confident, we just need time to get use to it." - "Pocit je dobrý, ale máme opět problém s autem, je poškozený zadní stabilizátor. Zvykli jsme si na to a pokračujeme. Stalo se to na minulé RZ a teď jsme bez stabilizátoru.Ztrácím čas při brždění a nejsem si tolik jistý autem, potřebujeme trochu času, abychom si na to zvykli."
flag Jeets Raul
- Toom Andrus
"It is crazy the dust inside the car. I don't know where comes the dust... I am like a spectator on the other side of the road. We change a little bit, we try to be a little bit safe. We change the map a little bit to not overheat the engine." - "Prach uvnitř auta je šílený. Nevím zkama se bere... Jsem jak divák na druhé straně cesty. Udělali jsme nějaké změny, snažíme se jet o trochu bezpečněji. Trochu jsme upravili mapu, aby se nepřehříval motor."
flag Consani Robert
- Vanneste Lara
"This morning the temperature is not bad, but now is the morning and the problem is not in the morning, the problem is in the afternoon, so I cross the finger. I try to push hard for the podium, I do what I can do." - "Ranní teplota není tak špatná, ale teď je ráno a problém není ráno, ale odpoledne, takže držím palce. Snažím se naplno bojovat o pódium, jedu, co dokážu."
flag Tarabus Jaromír
- Trunkát D.
"Very fast. Bad start for us, but the day is long." - Went off the road by approximately 100 metres!! - "Hodně rychlé. špatný start pro nás, ale den je dlouhý." Byl mimo cestu zhruba 100 metrů.
flag Štajf Vojtěch
- Rajnoha F.
"I did not have confidence in my pace notes on this stage. It is very fast and on the second part my pace notes were not really correct. I had barely seen some of the corners so that is why the time is a little bit slower." - "Na této RZ jsem nevděřil svému rozpisu. Jede se hodně rychle a v druhé části zkoušky nebyly mé poznámky úplně přesné. Sotva jsem některé zatáčky viděl, což je důvod toho, proč je čas o něco pomalejší."
flag Lukyanuk Alexey
- Arnautov Alexey
"It is so joyful when you don't think about the force you apply to the steering wheel, you can just focus on the pace notes and the road. I feel that the hands are working, of course they are tired, I can continue like this." - Má opravený posilovač řízení. "Je to tak příjemné, když nemusíte přemýšlet nad tím, jak velkou silou točit volantem a soustředíte se jenom na rozpis a cestu. Cítím, že ruce mi fungujou, sice jsou unavené, ale mohu pokračovat."
flag Kajetanowicz Kajetan
- Baran J.
"It was nice stage, very fast, difficult to read some corners. It looks sometimes like Dakar road. We was pushing very hard, short stage, but I did my best." - BYla to pěkná zkouška, některé zatáčky bylo těžké číst. Vypadá to jak cesty na Dakaru. Hodně jsme zatlačili, byla to krátká zkouška, ale jel jsem jak nejlíp umím.
flag Tarabus Jaromír
- Trunkát D.
"Day is perfect for us. Very slippery tarmac, not good stage for us. We are here, four wheels on the car."
flag Consani Robert
- Vanneste Lara
"I try to push a little bit more. But when you see the time and compare with Kato I do not know what I should think."
flag Lukyanuk Alexey
- Arnautov Alexey
still no power steering
flag Tarabus Jaromír
- Trunkát D.
"We are happy, everything is okay."
flag Consani Robert
- Vanneste Lara
"The problem is not fixed. In the car you feel loss of power and it is difficult to drive in this condition."
flag Kajetanowicz Kajetan
- Baran J.
"Definitely fantastic day for us."
flag Štajf Vojtěch
- Rajnoha F.
"I always enjoy when I see the stop as it means that another stage is behind us."
flag Tarabus Jaromír
- Trunkát D.
"Very nice stage although a lot of corner. We enjoy it. We have no problem. I try to drive cleanly, more than before. Is long day and a lot of stages to the finish."
flag Jeets Raul
- Toom Andrus
"It technically a difficult stage, so many slow turns. Very difficult to concentrate. It was so hard work."
flag Botka Dávid
- Szeles Péter
"The gearbox is no 3 and no 4. Only 1 and 2."
flag Magalhães Bruno
- Magalhães H.
" Is very very hot, I think we had two or three times a pop-off moment. (Inside the car) it is worse than a sauna!"
flag Consani Robert
- Vanneste Lara
"Now I don't take the alarm, but I feel I lose a lot of power."
flag Kajetanowicz Kajetan
- Baran J.
"Was good. I like this stage, it is very twisty, not so long, but twisty like hell. Inside we have really high temperature. We are pushing very hard."
flag Ranga Péter
- Janek
"My co-driver said it was better but I don't believe him!"
flag Štajf Vojtěch
- Rajnoha F.
"I think our time was almost the same as the first run. It looked like some places it was more clean, but it was quite slippy. We almost went off the last corner before the flying finish.
flag Štajf Vojtěch
- Rajnoha F.
"I think this could have been faster. We took it a little bit cautious maybe more than necessary. We need to finish."
flag Lukyanuk Alexey
- Arnautov Alexey
"It is extremely difficult, we are running without power steering. It is extremely difficult to handle it. It is slightly easier with gravel, but it is exhausting."
flag Botka Dávid
- Szeles Péter
Gone wide in the last corner of the stage and hit something.
flag Magalhães Bruno
- Magalhães H.
"It is incredible, completely slippery, I did not expect that."
flag Consani Robert
- Vanneste Lara
"I see one car down. Difficult, I have a big moment on this stage, I do not know if I hit a stone or hit a hole. I made a big spin and I lost a lot of time."
flag Kajetanowicz Kajetan
- Baran J.
"The last tarmac part is very slippery. We had big moment before the finish, we were out. A fast tighten corner and we were out."
flag Štajf Vojtěch
- Rajnoha F.
"We are going first on the road so is good for the visibility but the road is still not clean. This rally will be really tough for everyone."
flag Lukyanuk Alexey
- Arnautov Alexey
"It doesn't working... (power steering)"
flag Tarabus Jaromír
- Trunkát D.
"Not good feeling on this stage, car is working well, but I have no good feeling. Confidence maybe.."
flag Jeets Raul
- Toom Andrus
"Something with rear axle."
flag Magalhães Bruno
- Magalhães H.
"Difficult to manage the tyres and the brake. I think we have done a good job, Kato is completely flying. It is difficult to find the correct grip. We have a lot of stones on the stage."
flag Consani Robert
- Vanneste Lara
"Difficult, the set-up is definitely not good. Is a long rally, I try to find a good set-up during the rally and cross the finger to be on the finish."
flag Kajetanowicz Kajetan
- Baran J.
"There's lot of stones on the road. Even the tarmac section looks like gravel! Car is working very well."
flag Érdi Tibor jun.
- Patkó Gergely
"Not so fast, but we save the tyres."
flag Ranga Péter
- Janek
"We had a very big moment, but okay, hard stage, for me in parts and in parts for the car. We had a corner that tightens and I don't listen to my co-driver, it was my mistake - I was sure we were off."
flag Štajf Vojtěch
- Rajnoha F.
"The gravel brakes are not really liking this stage, we had some slides and we almost went off once. At the end the car was getting hot and we were losing power. But it is a nice stage, I like it."
flag Lukyanuk Alexey
- Arnautov Alexey
"It was nice. We had a problem with the power steering in the last 2 km. I'm already exhausted."
flag Tarabus Jaromír
- Trunkát D.
"A lot of dust as it was not windy and it was bad for what you can see. Now we brake late on the last left, a little sharp. But everything is okay."
flag Magalhães Bruno
- Magalhães H.
"A lot of dust, they should put three minutes. Much better than yesterday (car set-up), not so good traction but better than yesterday."
flag Kajetanowicz Kajetan
- Baran J.
"I think we have the same problem like the other drivers, there is a lot of dust everywhere. It is driving on the limit, like driving with closed eyes..."
flag Érdi Tibor jun.
- Patkó Gergely
"A little bit too much and we off the road and we back and go fast..."
flag Ranga Péter
- Janek
"The dust was a big problem for us, in some places we did not see anything."
flag Štajf Vojtěch
- Rajnoha F.
"We did not expect to be here first, but he (Polykarpou) went off in the section in the road book where there is a warning where we cannot cut through the fields. I am happy as we did not expect so much dust on the road. So far our performance we kept quite calm."
flag Al-Kuwari Abdulaziz
- Clarke M.
"Ss1 should be canceled with no doubt because of safety reason !! We couldn't see 2 meters in front because of dust."

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