22. Coates Hire Rally Australia 2013

WRC #10WRC2 #10WRC3 #10
12. 9. – 15. 9. 2013, Coffs Harbour • gravel 352.36 km • total distance including road sections - 932.77 km • Other years


flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
More: did my best...now it's one point - it"ll happen soon / Pokračování: Jel jsem jak nejlépe umím... teď je to jeden bod - bude to již brzy...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
We did the job and were thinking it was OK...still we have done another perfect rally...good for the team...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
Absolutly no idea where I had puncture, stayed in the middle of the road all the time...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
Thank you to the team, the car was incredibly good...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
This time I'm 100% sure I didn't hit anything...suddenly vibration...I don't have an answer at the moment.../ Tentokrát jsem si stoprocentně jistý, že jsem nic netrefil...náhle začaly vibrace...nedokážu na to teď odpovědět (promluví si s lidmi od pneumatik)
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Front left puncture, front right damage
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
Good weekend, we have done what we have been aiming for today...crossing my fingers for Séb now...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Latvala is losing time in mid-stage, front right problems reported
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
We have learned so much about this event...it's been more clever to back off an go at a steady speed... / Hodně jsme se naučili o téhle soutěži... budeme chytřejší až se sem příště vrátíme
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
We didn't go off, nothing...rallies next i will concentrate on... / Nebyli jsme mimo, nic... na dalších soutěžích se budu koncentrovat...
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
Meeke odstupuje - dle vyjádření Citroenu
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
Dokončil rally s poškozeným zavěšením...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
Good...thinking more and more about it...but keeping a good rhythm otherwise you have too much time to think..
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Good stage, the car feels nice, and finally I feel the car feels right on Australian roads...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
We are having splits so as not to lose concentration...it's part of the job...I really hope Séb holds it together now... / Měli jsme splity, takže nedošlo ke ztrátě koncentrace...je to část práce...skutečně doufám, že Seb si to podrží...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
I don't do splits, I just go my own way, I need the experience, I don't want to push. / Neměl jsem splity, jel jsem si po svém, potřebuji zkušenosti, nechci tlačit na pilu...
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
That was like a glove wasn't it...we had an absolute ball though there - unreal. Just a shame there's only one stage left / Bylo to jako hozená rukavice, není liž pravda... neskutečné, jen škoda, že schází už jen jedna RZta...
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
Much better than this morning...much enjoyable...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
Was OK, I felt really good, looking good...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
I see Jari-Matti still wants to drive fast, I control....
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
We did some changes in the Service and the car is now very good...I am very happy...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
I'm not going to make that change my objective...get her home... / Nebudu tvrdit, že mám v plánu změnit svůj cíl...což je dostat auto domů...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
We had a puncture after 500 metres, I did the whole stage with a front right puncture. (No spare now left)
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
Was rutted for last 2 ks, but yes I had a better run...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
Great loop: I like this stage...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
I made a small mistake on the first split and lost about 3 seconds, but after that I enjoy...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
I can't understand where that's come from..... Strange thing anyway... / Nechápu, kde se to vzalo...divná věc...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
Just smiling and telling each other stories on the stages, it's that slow, just cruising... / Pouze se smějeme a vyprávíme si příběhy, jet to pomalé, jedeme ustáleně...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
We are not pushing so hard either...just working to be better. If he [Mikkelsen] gets closer, maybe we step up...
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
Quite slippery...the second pass we will enjoy a little more...
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
I had fun! Second watersplash we lost a lot of power...still all right, I had a blast...
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
A lot of places was really good, some fast corners I couldn't find the right line and backing off.../ Mnoho míst bylo velmi dobrých, v některých zatáčkách jsem netrefil ideální stopu...
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
first on the road this morning is incredible...here it's complete marbles...that's the penalty we pay for yesterday... / První na trati dnes ráno je příšerné... to je daň za včerejšek...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
I think the split was wrong, we did not push at the end. Okay, it was a good stage for us.
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
I just try to keep my 2nd place. Car is really good.
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
Was pretty good, I enjoyed...pacenotes were perfect, good rhythm, we have to stay this way for the rest of the day....
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
I really enjoyed it...really suits my driving style...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
Everything is fine, we are driving slowly, nothing to win and everything to lose, driving safely...
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
I feel OK, sometimes a bit of dust very fast day it was, everything is fine...
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
Taking it fairly easy, fingers are crossed, shoelaces crossed, looking forward to getting back to Service
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
The second loop has to be faster...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
Keep it good...5 stage to go
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
Did OK...little bit dust in places, all OK anyway, no dramas...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
Good stage for us, no risks, quite enjoyed, nothing to worry...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
We are in a good Manufacturers points for this position and now it is time to play a clever role...
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
Not so bad in places, places where it is soft and you are sweeping a lot of dust off the road....Two spare wheels in the car today which creates a different feeling
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
Another stage to learn ...I need to look at the bigger picture and keep in front of the Citroëns...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
Some places at least it's cleaning a bit..quite OK stage, I enjoyed it, not a perfect run but quite OK...lot of dust, yeah / Některá místa ke konci jsou trochu vyčištěná...docela dobrá zkouška, bavil jsem se, nebyla to dokonalá jízda, ale ok... hodně prachu
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
Dust, dust in some places, it is like that...
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
We just took off straight from yesterday...we just drove that stage so smooth, we had an absolute ball!
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
In SS13 he rolled 7 times
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
He spun
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
Gear shift problems, has to use clutch
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
Rolled, they are ok. Out for today at least
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
Rear left puncture
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
Today the rally is long....that is good...I cannot say I really pushed...I am last on the road...good fun...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
I don't think it's going to be enough...good steady drive...I'm trying..../ Nemyslím si, že to bude dost...dobrá ustálená jízda...snažím se...
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
I didn't find a good rhythm in there, but that's the way it is...OK.../ Nenašel jsem správný rytmus na téhle rychlostce, ale tak to prostě je...ok..
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
Unbelievable slippery, I was very surprised in many corners...like ice...the others are not much quicker...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
At the beginning of the stage we went wide, got a puncture, drove the stage with it...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
It was OK, quite difficult, a big layer of gravel on the road, getting better and better...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
In the very beginning of the stage, slipped wide in a very slow corner
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
The same, the same, very slippery, very difficult to drive....
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
I drove a little bit more respectable...obviously we're learning...we drove a bit silly in the first one...live and large.../ Jel jsem trochu lépe...samozřejmě se učíme...jeli jsme trochu slabě na té první...
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
Some nice places, but it's tricky...you need to predict where the bumps will come, but better than the first one... / Několik krásných míst, ale je to zrádné...potřebujete předvídat, kde to bude hrolaté, ale lepší než ta první rzta...
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
We lost the intercom for about 10km, very slidy conditions...we've got nothing to lose / Po deseti kilometrech nám odešel interkom, hodně uklouzané podmínky...nemáme co ztratit...
flag Al-Rajhi Yazeed
- Orr Michael
Everything well..yesterday I bent the steering...unlucky...today I push...to get experience and step by step I push maximum...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
I was not playing with him, I was just trying to copy his rhythm...it was just like that...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
He was playing with us...I nearly went off...at the end I was a bit cautious...It's going to be tough to catch him.. / On si s nái hrál... Skoro jsme byli venku... na konci jsem byl trochu opatrnější...bude to těžké ho dostat...
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
Tried to manage it the whole way through...OK, I'm happy...[Neuville?] there's no battle... / Snažil jsem se to ošéfovat celou rychlostku... Ok, jsem spokojený... žádný souboj (s Neuvillem)...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
It is interesting, good fight, car was little bit understeering...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
It was quite OK ...first pass through...more slippy than I thought [tyres?] I hope they're good enough for the next one. / Bylo to ucházející... první průjezd... uklouzanější než jsem si myslel, doufám, že pneumatiky budou dostačující pro další RZtu...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
The feeling was not so bad, quite slippery stage....the car feels better today, lot more enjoyable...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
It was OK stage, I struggled with the rhythm...I made it difficult for myself last night, my own fault...
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
Just being an apprentice sweeping the road, you know how it is, we'll have a better crack at it later...tough stage / Byl jsem pouze nováčkem v čištění trati, víte jak to je, budeme větší odborníci později... drsná zkouška.
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
Was really difficult. Condition was lot hard, we had 6-7 moments, one of them over crest, I'm trying to be really neat... / Bylo to skutečně těžké. Podmínky byly hodně drsné, měli jsme 6-7 krizovek, jednu přes hřeben, snažil jsem se jet co nejčistěji...
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
Quite happy, very loose, no advantage, even for us at the back...you have to be careful
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
I think we could say today was perfect: really good start to the rally...it was good idea to give us 4 minutes
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
Fine stage, good stage, no push, comfortable, this morning was another day. Saw the rock and I was lucky
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
Right-hander, massive rock on the middle of the road, I hit it, the door opened we almost went off the road into the trees
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
Mikkelsen has a problem, unclear what, left-hand side: "I will have to stop on the road section and see..."
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
Really good, I'm really happy...I hope I can stay in the fight, I'm happy with that... / Skutečně dobré, jsem spokojený... doufám, že zůstanu v boji...
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
I was trying to push but the time was still not there...there was also some dust...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Character-building day, we're learning things, we have been able to catch Novikov, our target is to stay ahead of him.../ Učíme se věci, které bychom využili k dohnání Novikova a zůstali před ním...
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
Lot of loose sand...might be a little bit slow, but better than going off...
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
I guarantee I'm having more fun than any of the guys fighting for the Championship... / Zaručeně se bavím víc než kluci bojující o šampionát...
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
I drove OK...just learning all the time, my first rally in this car in these conditions: not here to fight for the victory
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
We had a good run through the stage.
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
I could have gone quicker on this one,but I'm taking no risk much better than the first one, the pace notes were perfect / Mohl jsem teď být rychlejší, ale nechci příliš riskovat, rozpis je skvělý...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
I'm pushing hard, perfect stage, we lose time, I don't understand... / Tvrdě tlačím, super rychlostka, ztratili jsme čas, nechápu to...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
This was the stage we had the best rhythm on - I'm happy with it so far...easy to make a mistake in there. We managed OK / Na téhle zkoušce jsme měli nejlepší tempo - Jsem z toho docela šťastný... snadno se tu udělá chyba. Ale ošéfovali jsme to dobře.
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
It felt really good now, I thought I was really brave over a couple of the jumps, but let's see... / Vypadá to teď lépe, myslel jsem si, že jsem byl skutečně statečnýna pár skocích, ale uvidíme...
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
we were only losing a little time on the first 7km, but then on the last 3 kms, we dropped around 3 seconds, 4 seconds
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
I felt even more comfortable on this stage - it'll be interesting to see how the time is appearing.../ Cítil jsem se na téhle zkoušce pohodlněji - bude zajímavé sledovat jak se budou vyvíjet časy...
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
Not easy, there is a thin layer of dust which sometimes hides the corners...
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
We had a relatively reasonable time in the first stage this afternoon!
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
Quite happy, at the beginning of the stage I seemed just not on the right rhythm. We just try to remain calm.
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
Good grip, nice stage, I tried to push, nobody wants to do stupid mistake today...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
It was much better, there is more grip. Car is good...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
Stage was quite ok for me, time is not good, I don´t know why.
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
Nothing really special. My line isn’t perfect, but it was OK. Clean stage, nothing special to say...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
In places is little bit better grip. I hade problem with dust. Next stage will be much worst, because there are roads in the forrest...
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
In some fast plases was very difficult, but it was little bit better, I changed set-up...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
It was definitely better but still not easy to find the rhythm on these roads
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
I hit a massive stone online in the middle of the corner and the wheel was ripped out of my hand...a little bit of a fright
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
Not easy - difficult to get the rhythm...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
Bad stage, difficult to find the rhythm, there was a place in there where the notes were far too fast and I had to adjust
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
On the recce bit too positive, we had to take an escape road. We had a small overshoot, and had to wait for the dust to go away. Lost 20 sec on that
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
Neuville now reported moving (news from the helicopter...)
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
Fantastic stage one or two hairy moments in there, but we survived...[what happened?] Nothing, Ha ha ha...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
Stopped in stage
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
Novikov with broken front left wheel: "Still very slippery...we have set up from Finland..."
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
A clear run, no mistakes, which is the main thing...if you want to win this rally you have to qualify well...
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
More difficult...lot of blind crests...sliding sideways...you lose a lot of time
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
Just throwing it about - enjoying it...
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
I felt a lot more comfortable, my pace notes were good...dust in the trees...I want to thank the organisers for the 3 min gap
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
I just take this advantage...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
It was ok, good clean run, not easy, we had lot of dust on the windscreen, I could not see the road, not so bad at all.
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
Very difficult to find any rhythm, seems like everyone is struggling a bit...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
The start was OK, then we clipped a rock at little bit on a corner and I thought a puncture: we were cautious after that.
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
This was more technical, more cautious in places..we will lose a bit, but OK...
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
Was OK, very very slippery to be honest... I hope the second pass will have more grip...keep going, that's all... / Bylo to ok, hodně moc uklouzané... Doufám, že druhý průjezd budeme mít víc přilnavosti... prostě jedu, to je vše...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Very, very slippery, it's very difficult for me... / Hodně moc uklouzané, je to pro mě hodně těžké...
flag Meeke Kris
- Patterson Chris
I'm here to finish this rally... / Jsem tu abych dokončil tuto soutěž...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
OK, quite a slippery stage, not a very good stage for me, but good to start the rally...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
I was driving on a lot of gravel and stones with no traction...not a nice stage for me....
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
It is quite ok, start is very slippery. I had a lot of oversteer, I am not used to this type of road...but OK, only 1.9 behind Mikko
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Nagle Paul
Very, very slippery. Lost some time in the beginning, too careful. But it's early in the rally / Hodně moc to klouzalo. Ztratili jsme nějaký čas na začátku, příliš opatrné. Ale je teprve začátek rally...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
There is no grip level whatsoever...it's definitely going to get a lot faster for the boys behind... / Není tu vůbec žádná přilnavost... Kluci za mnou určitě pojedou o dost rychleji...
flag Novikov Evgeniy
- Minor Ilka
Everything was fine, just very slippery...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Unfortunately we spun several times... we didn't lose much time...10 seconds, quite a lot. Worse than I expected. / Naneštěstí jsme několikrát dělali hodiny... neztratili jsme moc času, 10 sekund, celkem hodně... Horší, než jsem očekával.
flag Al-Qassimi Khalid
- Martin Scott
There's a lot of wheelspin, lot of sliding...it will take at least 10 cars to find a good line... / Hodně mi to prokluzovalo, ... bude to trvat nejméně dalších 10 aut než se vyjede dobrá stopa...
flag Quinn Nathan
- Macneall Glenn
It was unreal..driving these cars is a dream come true...I really enoyed it.

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