64. Neste Oil Rally Finland 2014

WRC #8WRC2 #8JWRC #3WRC3 #8Drive Dmack Cup #3
31. 7. – 3. 8. 2014, Jyväskylä • gravel 360.94 km • total distance including road sections - 1625.13 km • Other years


flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
...we fought back like the Finns in the Winter War of the Forties...I'm really really happy....
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"Really really hard job to get this victory: when we got the problems it put us in a really difficult position - but we fought back"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Musím vám říct, že to bylo jedno z nejtěžších vítězství. Málem jsme vše ztratili, ale vybojovali jsme to zpátky. Výborný výkon, byl jsem nervózní, ale zvládli jsme to, teď jsem opravdu šťastný, možná šlo jet o trošičku rychleji na Powerstage, ale musel jsem jet s rozumem kvůli vítězství v celé soutěži
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"I'm happy with that...second place would be a good results....Jari-Matti has been very fast this weekend" / Jsem moc šťastný...druhé místo by měl být dobrý výsledek...Jari-Matti byl tenhle víkend hodně rychlý...
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"Jari-Matti the epitome of perfection on these roads...until I get there...but I am happy at the moment..."
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"we are fourth...I am happy with this weekend...Rally Finland is so special...I am so happy with that performance"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"Let's see if it's good enough for the others" / Byla to dobrá jízda, ale trochu jsem šel v té levé ven, uvidíme, jestli to bude stačit na ostatní...
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"Little disappointing this morning...these things happen...good for Australia...I think we can get the result we want..."
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"We're at the finish...I made a mistake and that cost...but but this happens when you try to go fast and make a good result" / Jsme v cíli...udělal jsem chybu a zaplatil za to...ale to se stane, když se snažíte jet rychle a zajet dobrý výsledek...
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"It's been a rally of fascinating highs...some lows as well...incredible event...got better and better" / Byla to rally plná skvělého vzrušení, opravdu jsme se hodně naučili, získali zkušenosti, jede se tu neskutečně rychle, mám radost, že jsem v cíli...
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"Have to say it's OK, I'm happy...I go to Canada next weekend for the Rallycross...hope to be back for France" / Musím říci, je to ok, jsem šťastný...Příští víkend jedu do Kanady na Rallycross...doufám, že budu zpět ve Francii...
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"Everything under control! I was cleaning the road...I missed the entry and I was on the loose..."
flag Kruuda Karl
- Järveoja Martin
"Fantastic feeling....to win on the last stage...everything went perfectly...great because a lot of Finnish fans had Estonian flags"
flag Ketomaa Jari
- Lindström Kaj
"second place in this kind of rally is very good...OK...wee are happy to be here..enjoyable rally"
flag Tänak Ott
- Mõlder Raigo
Really difficult to be first on the road...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Latvala loses time with broken intercom: "The loudspeakers are broken on the right side...we still have some seconds"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"That's a nice stage... I knew with this one, no mistake [from Latvala] I could not make it" / Tohle je krásná zkouška...Věděl jsem, že když neudělá J-M chybu, nedokážu to...
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"Jari-Matti has driven an incredible rally"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"Some really nice jumps over there"
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"We've got no power steering you can't control the car at all...the wheel's just ripped out of your hands..." / Odešel nám posilovač řízení, auto se nedá moc ovládat...skoro neudržím volant...
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"Amazing really nice.."
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Fantastic stage..absolutely incredible... [too much loose gravel] I thought I could...carry lots more speed"
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"Very nice stage..best stage in the rally actually..." hopes to do WRC France
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"we had some issues..intercom...in some places not perfect stage for us...need a lot of confidence in this stage"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"Now we can go... I came to this rally to win this rally...I want to give the Finnish fans something"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"not a good start of the stage...better at the end...I am now surprised with 1 slower...this stag is flat out"
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"Perfect. It's just a beautiful stage. The road is cleaning all the time. I'm enjoying and keeping a good pace." / Paráda. Je to úžasná zkouška. Trať je kompletně čistá. Bavím se a udržuju správné tempo...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"A clean stage, getting the right feeling for the 2nd run - the Power Stage."
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"It all right but not perfect"
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
Rumour that Paddon may have mentioned oil at the stage end
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
does not talk to repoters...lost most of the time in second part of stage
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
S.Martin: "Craig really hurt his back, doesn't think he can drive at the moment...the landing was very hard..." / Spolujezdec Scott Martin komentuje: Craiga opravdu bolí zádá, nemyslí, že by mohl pokračovat...jeden doskok byl velmi tvrdý...
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Be honest it was fastest than I remember from Shakedown last year...stage is clean, no problems, room for improvement"
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
bez rozhovoru - vystoupil okamžitě z auta, vypadá to, že ho bolí záda...
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"OK, OK, nice stage...sensible here [ahead of] second run"
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"I got a bit distracting because on landing....suddenly we had no gear in the car"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
More Jari: "we have a fight for sure tomorrow...I don't care about the Championship anymore...it's about Rally Finland" / Pokračování: zítra to samozřejmě bude boj...neřeším teď šampionát...je to pouze o Rally Finland!
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"The main thing is we are in the lead...we can get to the Service we can get the brakes fixed..."
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"with the world champ on a full attack mode today...I enjoyed the second run on this stage"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"It's bad luck what happened to him...we will see the gap tonight...but I cannot smile at the situation..." / Je to smůla, co se mu stalo...uvidíme jaký bude ten rozdíl...nemám radost z této situace...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"No brakes...when I start to brake ...just gradually go down to the floor"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"It was driveable...one day more to go, we go out and enjoy"
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"Certainly promising... I've learned a lot today...this afternoon we've been trying...knew Juho would be trying" / Hodně jsem se toho dnes naučil...odpoledne jsme se snažili...
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Long afternoon, very frustrating to be honest..."
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"Honestly I am disappointed...[expected to match] the speed of the top guys..."
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"we had a really big impact 2-3km from the end of the stage...I'm amazed with the punishment the car can take.." / asi dva nebo tři km před cílem jsme tvrdě doskočili...překvapivé, co všechno auto vydrží...
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
finishes with no spare tyres: "a lot of punctures...that's rally..." / Dojel bez rezervních pneu (všechny použil): spousta defektů...to je rally...
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"It has been a very satisfactory day...lot of things learned"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
" I have to hold it - there is no other choice...I did not come here to lose this rally....I have worked so hard"
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"Came round the last hairpin and there was a bale in the middle of the road...I gave it a bit of a nudge...OK happy"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"Look like it's going to be quite close tonight...Jari-Matti is driving well with 3 brakes" / Vypadá to že žo bude dneska těsné...Jari-Matti jede na třech brzdách dobře...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"nice stage"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"Dumper works a little bit. Uphills it's smooth but at the end it's little bit bumpy so more difficult" / Tlumič trochu funguje. Stoupání je v pohodě, ale ke konci to bylo trochu moc uskákané...
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"Bit bumpy coming down the hill there...we've been able to maintain the 30 seconds over Juho this afternoon.." / Ve sjezdu to bylo hodně hrbolaté...měli bychom být schopni udržet náskok na Juha...
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"We've been struggling this afternoon...with...the puncture early on. Difficult...wasted opportunity...look after the car..." / Odpoledne to je velký boj...s defekty a tak...Je to obtížné...
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"Nice to see lot of people...nice weather...spectators are happy...rougher than first time but OK"
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"Really really good for us...every stage there's a little improvemeent... that's all I can hope for..." / Opravdu moc dobré...po každé dojeté zkoušce cítím zlepšení...to je vše, v co mohu doufat...
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"It was a lot more spectators there, so I had to do more slides for the spectators..."
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"second pass now feels quite rough...first part more grip, second part more difficult"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Stojí na přejezdu k RZ22...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Stojí na přejezdu k RZ22...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"We managed to fix some of the things...we don't have front right caliper - I can only drive with 3 brakes that's it" / Opravili jsme nějaé věci...nemáme pravý přední brzdový třmen - jedu se třemi brzdami...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"he's [Latvala] not losing too mucy time at the moment" / On (J-M) neztrácí tolik...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"we raised the car just to be safe in here, steering away from the lines where there are stones"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
with broken damper: "It's just really, really soft, but we'll manage" / S poškozeným tlumičem: Je to jenom trošičku rozbité, ale my to opravíme...
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"I'm quite happy this afternoon...more confidence..." / Jsem s odpolednem docela spokojený...jsem si jistější...
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Obviously we've still only got the one spare, so we can't afford to take any risks or we won't get back" / Samozřejmě máme pouze jednu rezervu, takže si nemůžeme dovolit zbytečně riskovat nebo prohrajeme...
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"There were some rocks on the narrow part..."
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"Very very good...I've battling against guys who are driving these cars all season long..." / Velmi dobré... bojuju proti klukům, kteří jedou na těchto autech celou sezónu...
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"The grip is much better..."
flag Tempestini Simone
- Pulpea Dorin
flag Cave Tom
- Parry Craig
flag Cave Tom
- Parry Craig
Zastavil v RZ
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
Defekt pravého předního kola.
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
Defekt předního pravého kola. Možná i pomalý defekt levého předního.
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
Musel odstoupit kvůli poškozenému rámu po nehodě v RZ18
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"Very very happy with the morning..."
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"Here I have always been slow and looks like it is again"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
Continue: "30 seconds to Jari in Finland, it seems quite a lot...it would be stupid to push like hell to catch him"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"I do a lot of small mistakes...I struggle to brake in the right points...no real drama...I have to carry this rhythm..."
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
" We have had a good morning...keeping the car in a straight line...there is still room for improvement...long afternoon"
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"Not so much more to do...get those small things together.. then we hit a big rock in a straight line...I did not see it"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"Everything's all right. Nothing is wrong. The morning is done. We are not too far behind yet..." / Vše je v pohodě, žádné ztráty. Ráno je za námi. Ještě nám tolik neujel...
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"Not too bad, now I'm trying to push a little bit more...now we need to think about some set-up changes to deal with that" / Nebylo to marné, teď se snažím trochu víc zabrat...potřebujeme se zamyslet nad změnou v nastavení...
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Quite loose in there to be honest...still enjoyable and a great experience to be here"
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"Nice stage, really really nice...sliding all the time...."
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"I enjoy every stage...[any changes this afternoon?] I drive!"
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"It has been an OK morning, a new experience, a lot of cleaning... this morning a good learning curve - I'm happy" / Bylo to obstojné ráno, nová zkušenost, hodně čištění...dnes ráno jsem se hodně naučil - jsem spokojený...
flag Protasov Yuriy
- Cherepin Pavlo
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"I'm quite satistfied...clear run...I can improve on it for the second time...I'm happy..." / Jsem spokojený...čistá jízda...myslím, že druhý průjezd se mohu ještě zlepšit...jsem šťastný...
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"I got caught out coming down the hill...that's the way it is" / Ve sjezdu z kopce jsem byl mimo trať...to je život...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"I did a really good start...unfortunately 2 small mistakes near the end...I could have done better...no problem"
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"Clean stage, no problem"
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"I want everything to be perfect. It's very close to be perfect, but, here, you need to be really perfect!" / Chci aby bylo všechno dokonalé. Je to skoro ono, ale tady je třeba, aby bylo vše naprosto perfektní.
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"Yes it was not bad but we will see if it will be good enough"
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"You can't really get your teeth into it...." / Tady se do toho člověk pořádně neopře a už je v cíli...
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Lot of people, it's nice to see...tricky little stage to be honest" / Mraky lidí, parádní pokoukání...upřímně celkem zrádná krátká zkouška...
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"It was fun and nice to see so many people...slippery...I was surprised"
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"That was quite a good stage...I made a mistake towards the end...lost a second..."
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"Lot of people in there"
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"It was very very slippery...but I am happy to be honest...kilometres of experience"
flag Ketomaa Jari
- Lindström Kaj
He is moving again
flag Chardonnet S.
- de la Haye T.
Stopped in stage
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"I like this stage - it's one of my favourities....good feeling for the driving..." / Tuhle zkoušku mám rád - je jedna z mých oblíbených...dobrý pocit z jízdy...
flag Ketomaa Jari
- Lindström Kaj
Stopped in stage (maybe puncture)
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"That's life..we're getting olderr. I am happy with my speed now...this one you can be too cautious...not bad" / To je život...stárneme...Jsem spokojený s mou současnou rychlostí...na téhle zkoušce je třeba být opatrnější...nebylo to špatné...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"A good run...happy enough...just need to keep going like this...good rhythm"
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"I am trying but he is behind me...try to be as quick as possible...not much more than I can do"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"Not good enough..."
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"A puddle at the last corner...this stage a bit better..places I was overdriving a bit"
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Everything is fine...clipped something early on...thought we might have a puncture,,loose in there, eased off after that"
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"Everything is OK...this is my position so I am not complaining...but getting the clean line in the slippy conditions"
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"When you know the road a little bit better it gives you the confidence to get on...we're getting there" / Když znáte rať trochu lépe, dává vám to sebedůvěru...
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"I drive my own speed...that's what I do. [speed good enough?] No, but I'm happy" / Jedu si to svoje...to je vše, co můžu dělat, rychlost nebyla dobrá, ale já jsem spokojený...
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"Not so fast, very very slippery...lot of small stones, sliding a lot... I'm happy with my driving but zero grip" / Né příliš rychlé, hodně moc uklouzané...spousta drobných kamínků, strašně to klouže...jsem spokojený se svou jízdou, ale nemám žádnou přilnavost...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"I have never been so fast here! One junction we went wide...we lost a bit of time...I became more focused after that..."
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"Still happy, but Seb was on a big push there"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"Good one better than the first one...that's rally, I am going to continue to drive like that on the next stages" / Tahle zkouška byla lepší než ta předchozí...ale to je rally, budu se snažit pokračovat v takovéto jízdě i na dalších zkouškách...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"a clean stage, I'm happy with my driving, it's a long day" / Čistá zkouška, jsem spokojený se svou jízdou, bude to ještě dlouhý den...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"It's OK stage...quite fast, rhythm quite good...nothing is really wrong, just not perfect, difficult to understand why" / Je to dobrá zkouška...docela rychlá, tempo ušlo...není to špatné, ale není to ani perfektní, těžko se hledá důvod proč tomu tak je...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"Fine, but now I'm trying a little bit too hard...not perfect but we will see...I have to otherwise the boys will pass me" / Dobré, ale snažím se trochu moc tvrdě...není to ideální ale uvidíme...musím očekávat, že mě kluci předstihnou...
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"we had 2 half-spins in the middle of the stage..bit frustrating but that's part of the game..." / dělali jsme dvakrát polohodiny uprostřed zkoušky...trochu mě to rozhodilo, ale to je součástí hry...
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Quite loose in places...but generally OK, enjoyable stage"
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
Hänninen reports no problems with the i20 after "burning" story at end of SS14
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"That one was quite good...I'm still quite happy, learning with every stage and that's all we can hope for" / Tahle zkouška byla docela dobrá...Jsem celkem spokojen, každou zkouškou se víc učíme a to je vše v co můžeme doufat...
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"Very very nice...I try what I can...3 stages to go: we will see"
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"Not easy...we are first car on the road...lot of loose gravel, very slippery, very little experience in these conditions"
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"0.7 over 15km with the world champion on a slow attack - I'll take that. I have to drive at my rhythm." / Přes patnáct kilometrů jsem útočil na světového šampiona. Musím si udržovat svoje tempo...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"I almost missed a junction at the start - maybe 2 seconds there...not the start I wanted..."
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"clean stage for us, no problems, good stage to start...good"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"I was not awake now...that is not going to be enough for the boys...I'm going to wake myself up...not so good" / Ještě jsem se neprobudil....takhle by to nešlo...jdu se proplesknout, abych se probral...nebylo to dobré....
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"Not too bad...I need to get back and committed as I was yesterday"
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"We could have carried more speed in a few places to be honest...clean run...no dramas"
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"No problems, it was OK" but something burning? unconfirmed, may be brakes
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"Really strange...opposite direction...dip and a jump and the car completely nosedived...bit of a fright, so, so fast"
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"I'm just learning...very good road this one - I like it" / Učím se...tahle zkouška byla velmi dobrá - líbí se mi..
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"Now I know how Seb Ogier can feel...he has more experience...today all the crests...really careful"
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"been an incredible experience. Here we are..being able to show good consistent stages...but it's only Frida evening" / Byl to neskutečný zážitek. Jsme tu...je dobře, že ukazujeme, jak dokážeme zajet zkoušky spolehlivě rychle...ale je teprve páteční večer...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"Crowds...I really enjoy driving in the middle of the city..."
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"For sure it is getting better and better...a huge fight with Mikko and Mikkelsen"
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"I am quite happy with today...we will try to defend this fourth place..we have to have a clean run"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"Very good day!"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"It has been a good day for me, tomorrow is another one. You can always get the win…"
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"So much faster than I was last year....I'd like another run at it. Excellent day...we'll keep it going and see what happens" / O tolik rychlejší než vloni...ještě bych si to rád projel jednou. Parádní den...budeme udržovat tuto rychlost a uvidíme, co přijde...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"I can't go any faster. Really good stage but we lost a bit" / Nejde mi jet rychleji. Dobrá zkouška, ale trochu jsem ztrácel...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"Definitely better, good stage, really enjoyable..that's what we like in Finland...proper fun" / Konečně lepší, dobrá zkouška, opravdu zábavné...to je to, co máme ve Finsku rádi...zábava...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"I lost definitely 1 second, little mistake"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"Really good feeling ...when I am relaxed I can drive at my best...it went well at the end"
flag Prokop Martin
- Tománek Jan
Tak ještě jedna SMS info k RZ11: Po skoku jsme vypadli ze stopy a trefili kámen o který jsme urazili kolo.
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"frustrating afternoon for me, but I am happy with what I have done...now I have finished my sweeping role"
flag Prokop Martin
- Tománek Jan
Havárie, posádka ok. Auto bylo po předchozích výletech mimo trať těžko řiditelné - bylo už křivé...
flag Brynildsen E.
- Fredriksson A.
Stopped in stage and now is moving again
flag Fisher Alastair
- Noble Gordon
Stopped in stage
flag Prokop Martin
- Tománek Jan
Stopped in stage
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"Little bit crazy, I didn't expect it...maybe Seb had a problem...I'm really starting to understand this car, make it work" / Trochu šílené, nečekal jsem to...možná měl Seb nějaký problém...začínám opravdu chápat jak auto funguje...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"Felt like we had a rear right puncture, but....[hasn't]" / Měl jsem pocit, že máme defekt pravé zadní pneu,ale... (neměl)
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"Really nice stage...good rhythm...I improve my driving after the first one...I'm happy" / Opravdu parádní zkouška...dobré tempo...zlepšuji se...jsem spokojený...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"some places for sure he is losing...but if you think you are losing because you are first on the road, you lose time"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"What can I do...nothing to be honest...I do my best...nothing I can do. There is a long way to go tomorrow"
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"we had a puncture the last 4-5ks...I'm getting happier with the car...I don't want to do anything silly" / Posledních cca pět kilometrů jsme jeli na defektu... začínám být s autem spokojenější...nechci udělat žádnou hloupost
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
Had to stop and change tyre
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"This is one of the best stages I've ever experienced in Finland...some big jumps..pleasure to drive...enjoying it" / Tohle je jedna z nejlepších zkoušek co jsem kdy zažil ve Finsku... několik obrovských skoků...parádní jízda...bavím se...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"I spun at one junction... the wheels went off...just touched the metal post..we were lucky"
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"working very well, good stage for us...I really have that feeling back, so I am very pleased with that...right direction"
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"The driving is much better but the other drivers are also improving...need to take big risks"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"I really pushed...we tried to keep the car in a good line...we pushed really hard..."
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
[Bit of road cleaning?]" More than a little bit...dry, not so much loose but...still a long way to go"
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"I saw the biggest moose...I lost confidence towards the end of the stage"
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"We've had the problem since Poland; we know how to manage it..." / Měli jsme od Polska problém, víme, jak to vyřešit...
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"Everything runs well now, no problems at all....it was so clean without the windscreen"
flag Prokop Martin
- Tománek Jan
with only 1 spare - has a broken rear wheel - it's also out of line / poškozené zadní kolo (má jen 1 rezervu)
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"it seems to be getting better, I got a much better feeling towards the end of the stage there."
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"now it's breaking through the ground...more grip....OK for the moment - I'll give them a tenth!" / Teď se to zlepšuje...je tu lepší přilnavost...v tuhle chvíli dobré...nandám jim to!
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"I just don't understand where they make the time at the end...I shall spend the next week here" / Pouze nerozumím tomu, kde na mě ke konci ostatní získávají náskok. Budu se sem muset jet příští víkend podívat na výlet...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"Starting where we left off...working quite well...comfortable...carry on improving"
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"The feeling is better and better on these wide roads...we're improving...[stage?] very nice condition" / Pocit je stále lepší na těchto širokých cestách...zlepšujeme se...na trati byly parádní podmínky...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"He did a good job we did one little mistake on the stage...wake me up...if you don't keep it on the line you lose time" / Odvedl (asi Ogi) dobrou práci, my udělali chybku... proberte mě...když neudržíte auto ve stopě, ztrácíte...
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"Not as good condition as this morning...Kris Meeke has a good position now"
flag Breen Craig
- Martin Scott
"Everything I have done before...is completely irrelevant. It's a whole different ball game" / Všechno, co jsme udělali, bylo špatně. Je to úplně jiná hra...
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"I think finally the damage with the car is not that bad. Boss will be really horrid in the service but that is okay…"
flag Paddon Hayden
- Kennard John
"We had a couple of problems going into the stage...bit of a rush making repairs"
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"much much better today, basically on the cautious side but better. Hopefully have a good run in the afternoon. "
flag Prokop Martin
- Tománek Jan
"Now we have to find something better for the afternoon"
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"Slight mistake, junction wide 2ks from the start, I just run wide and lost all momentum. But I'm happy" / Drobná chybka, odbočka 2 km za startem, byl jsem hodně široký a ztratil výkon. Ale jinak dobré.
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
"Without any wing...nothing to do for us...especially when it's fast like this, it's very difficult to drive" / Bez přítlačného křídla...nic se s tím nedá udělat...obzvláště když je zkouška rychlá jako tato, jede se hodně obtížně...
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"The speed is coming back but the time is going away again. I can't afford the small mistake" / Rychlost je zpět, ale čas to nenasvědčuje. Nemůžu si dovolit sebemenší chybičku...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"Definitely better - really enjoy it now...work on my driving...let's hope it continues like this" / Konečně lepší - bavím se...pracuji na zlepšení mé jízdy...doufám, že takhle to půjde dál...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"No big moments, quite steady drive to be honest, try to keep a good speed...would like to go faster"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"No problems...I know where I went wrong...nothing serious; I will correct it for the second time through"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"[third stage] it was impossible...we had no chance...let's see how it is on this one..." / Předchozí zkouška byla neuvěřitelná, neměl jsem šanci... uvidíme, jak to ostatním pojede na téhle...
flag Brynildsen E.
- Fredriksson A.
He is going very slow - broken propshaft at the start of the stage.
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
no windscreen, no dashboard: "It was not so bad"
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
Před RZ7 sundali čelní sklo a žertovali, že nejdůležitější je, že fungují stěrače :-)
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"OK this was the stage with the most amount of cleaning...guys at the front were disadvantaged" and "I'm not going for a world championship...I'm happy...we'll just keep it going" / OK, tahle zkouška byla hodně vyčištěná, kluci přede mnou startující byli dost znevýhodněni, nejedu pro vítězství šampionátu...jsem spokojený...takhle pojedeme i nadále
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
"The car is undriveable..have to be very careful...get back to Service... just jumping around"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"went really well...this one was perfect...margin is so small [podium challenge? sure"
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"today difficult to get in the right mood and you need to be in the right mood for this rally"
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"A clean stage for us... no risks...try to keep a good pace as well"
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"Loose gravel on this stage than the other stages"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"So much loose on this one...I am happy with the drive...no chance"
flag Taylor Molly
- Marshall Sebastian
Stopped in SS6
flag Taylor Molly
- Marshall Sebastian
Stopped in SS6
flag Bertelli Lorenzo
- Dotta Mitia
Rolled on SS 5
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
Hänninen loses minute after roll, damage looks worse than is: "..into the ditch and had a rollover there... my side"
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"Is OK...I have to do some changes..."
flag Prokop Martin
- Tománek Jan
Bad pace notes
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Incredible stage absolutely fantastic to drive...we were trying not to take chances, still fantastic fun"
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"I just slid wide on a long right hander - that's the margin at this level. What a beautiful stage!" / V dlouhé pravé zatáčce jsem si hodně klouznul - to je normální v tomto nasazení. Zkouška byla nádherná!
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
"No aerodynamics on the rear, no wing...I had to take it steady at some points...honestly I struggled with my pace notes"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"I think it's fantastic...I really enjoyed it...OK..we are through..." / Myslím, že je to úžasné...bavil jsem se...
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"We are going in the right direction at least; we are working hard... a little bit off from where we were on the test"
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"Fantastic stage, lovely stage...happy.. no problems..better than the first one...I don't tale the proper risk" / Parádní zkouška, úžasná...jsem moc spokojený...žádné problémy...lepší než ta první dnešní...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"I was enjoying part of the stage...some parts the notes were not exactly correct....it is a bit humid, there is more grip"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"Really fast stage, really nice, lot of fun to drive it...not a bad time I think...I really enjoy"
flag Tänak Ott
- Mõlder Raigo
"It's not so easy to find good rhythm...we have to push ourselves a bit...to show we still have some speed" / Těžko se hledá správný rytmus...musíme tlačit...abychom předvedli, že máme nějakou tu rychlost...
flag Prokop Martin
- Tománek Jan
"We saw some lines. We had trouble with the pace notes, he turn two pages instead of one so we got lost in the pace notes."
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"It's okay, I was not happy, it will be better. I am not happy with the rhythm, it was difficult to drive." / Je to ok. Nejsem spokojen, mohlo by to být lepší. Tempo nemáme dobré, jelo se mi obtížně...
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
Kubica reported out - told to put out the triangle
flag Hänninen Juho
- Tuominen Tomi
"Quite good one...Jari-Matti was better, but big improvement"
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
He is stopped in stage
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"Much much better to be honest - we changed a lot last night...it's better..." / Mnohem lepší abych byl upřímný - udělali jsme spoustu změn na autě přes noc...je to lepší...
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"In the middle of the stage I got a little lost in my notes so I backed off a little there"
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
"I went slightly wide...very tight corner...I hit something with the rear but the car is driving OK"
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
with rear damage, no spoiler and dent
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"At 9ks I was zero with Jari-Matti, I lost on the twisty bits"
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"the car is very different today...very fast stage...the car is working...on a stage like that I struggle a lot..."
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"My time was really bad, wasn't it? These guys in front are doing a great job...lot of places we could go a lot faster" / Můj čas je špatný, není liž pravda? Kluci vpředu odvádějí skvělou práci...na spoustě míst bychom mohli jet o dost rychleji...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"We had a moment on a left hander...I stayed calm...not very confortable"
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"It's OK, the grip is good, but I did not have enough confidence...hopefully I do not lose too much" / Je to ok, přilnavost ucházející, ale neměl jsem dost sebejistoty... doufejme že jsem neztratil příliš moc...
flag Al-Rajhi Yazeed
- Orr Michael
All happening in SS3! @Yazeed_AlRajhi hits rock 7kms from end, puncture and broken lower arm
flag Tänak Ott
- Mõlder Raigo
No damage on Tänak's car. Nothing visual. Lost powersteering and a puncture. / Žádné viditelné poškození vozu. Odešel posilovač řízení a udělali defekt...
flag Tänak Ott
- Mõlder Raigo
He is moving again
flag Gorban Valeriy
- Korsia Volodymyr
Stopped in stage
flag Tänak Ott
- Mõlder Raigo
Stopped in stage
flag Nikara Jarkko
- Kalliolepo Jarkko
Jarkko off the road on SS3 and unable to continue. Both driver and co-driver are OK
flag Kubica Robert
- Szczepaniak M.
"Lots of ruts, wasn't easy...but we are happy" / Hluboké koleje, není to jednoduché...ale jsme spokojení
flag Solberg Henning
- Minor Ilka
"9km in...there was a stone in the road...and pah!"
flag Prokop Martin
- Tománek Jan
"Some smoke from the rear brakes...really rough stage...big stone in the line...I had to go out of the line...big moment"
flag Evans Elfyn
- Barritt Daniel
"I was struggling with confidence...the car jumped out of the ruts a couple of times...still work to do"
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"medium-sized ruts, difficult to control, step by step... I'm happy" / Středně vyjeté koleje, těžko se to drží pod kontrolou, jdeme krok za krokem...jsem spokojený...
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
"Much better but I am bottoming a lot; some really hard points with the steering, sometimes I could not hold the steering"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"I was hoping to be really close to the Volkswagens, but they are really fast"
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"Not a good day, struggling a lot to drive with the car like this...[will change setup tonight]"
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
"I tried to increase the pace...slippery at the beginning...back end of the car was all over the place."
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
"I started to catch back at the end...I was struggling with the car at the beginning...understeering...."
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
"More slippery, bit more mud... deep rut [final corner] I had a impact at the front and had to back off"
flag Prokop Martin
- Tománek Jan
"I have no feeling with the grip...I tried...but it was too clean...time is not bad, can be better"
flag Meeke Kris
- Nagle Paul
"First couple of km were a little bit marbly...difficult to know...new stage, new notes for everybody"
flag Neuville Thierry
- Gilsoul N.
"My pacenotes are too slow...I overdrive a bit over my pacenotes and it is not very good for my confidence"
flag Hirvonen Mikko
- Lehtinen Jarmo
"We tried to hang on there, but obviously they are pulling away"
flag Østberg Mads
- Andersson Jonas
"I don't really understand it...it's going well...I cannot say more" / Nechápu to...jde to dobře... víc říct nelze...
flag Mikkelsen Andreas
- Fløene Ola
Still a bit too cautious...I can still go faster...building step by step...let's see / Trochu moc opatrné... mohl bych jet rychleji... zlepšujeme se krok za krokem...uvidíme jak to půjde dál...
flag Latvala Jari-Matti
- Anttila M.
Only one slippy braking...really good grip all the time [raining] not so good for the spectators but good for the driving
flag Ogier Sébastien
- Ingrassia J.
Very slippery with a lot of loose gravel. small mistake but ah, it's OK / Je to velmi uklouzané se spoustou uvolněné šotoliny, udělal jsem drobnou chybku, ale je to ok

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